The Charlemont High School Song
Charlemont Great Eagle of the Skies
Charlemont Great Eagle of the Skies Remix

Come let’s lift our voices to the Father
All valiant youth arise
With hearts and soul and voices
Let’s magnify His holy name
For in this place, He has given to us
A gift, a crown, a school
An eagle flies in bright new glory
Praise His holy name.


Charlemont, Charlemont
Striving always for excellence
Charlemont, Charlemont
Great eagle of the skies

God’s Blessing is always on His children
Students, teachers, friends,
Together with caring parents
We work to Glorify His name

for surely the time of harvest shall come when the victor shall hear, 'well done'
a young eagle flies in bright new glory
Praise His Holy name